Warm New England Winters

At some point over the course of this year, I’ll try to revive this blog and talk about some new things. The first thing I’ll post about will probably be the state of transit here in the United  States.

That, or a few reviews of the music that I listen to.

Whatever it is, look forward to it…………


{June 28, 2010}   The Brouhaha over Books

So, I’ve been catching up on my reading of blogs about Russia. It looks as if that book on Putin that was written by Nemtsov et al. is going to get media attention that it clearly does not deserve. Since I didn’t read the book, I can’t decide for myself what to make of it. Fortunately for you all, the astute Anatoly Karlin has a short review of book in his blog (check it out here).

Whatever the book’s good points and flaws have now been obscured by news that MVD  in Piter siezed copies of the book, claiming it as “extremist literature.” Sean Giullory’s (sp?) blog  has better analysis on this than I do. Most likely, it was some “middle management” cop who wanted to score points with his superiors and hopefully get a promotion. The end result, potential media attention towards an attempt by the Kremlin to “silence dissent” once again. Not surprisingly, this gave Nemtsov PR without him having to do any work to get it. And just in time for Dima’s meeting with business folks in Piter. Ain’t this a lovely year?

I’ll stay on top of this little incident as best I can.

P.S.: checking out Sean’s Russia Blog and Sublime Opinion is worth your time if you wish to learn about the happenings of Russia.

et cetera